Advisory Roles
Silvestrum staff are leaders and subject matter experts in their respective fields of blue carbon, climate mitigation, climate adatation, climate policy, and communicating these complex topics to broad audiences that range from the public, to decision makers, to government and international leaders. Our staff are often asked to servce on technical advisory panels, scientific review panels, working groups, and steering committees.
Climate Mitigation
Mitigating climate change requires both reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and developing projects that can create negative emissions (pulling greenhouse gasses out of the air and sequestering them underground). Silvestrum has been leading efforts to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and sinks related to coastal ecosystems.
Climate Policy and Finance
Silvestrum has extensive experience in international climate and low-carbon interventions, including climate finance and investments, institutional due diligence assessments, public-private partnership advice, and program evaluations. Silvestrum advises governments at all levels and also supports international finance institutions and the private sectors.
Blue Carbon
Silvestrum is a leader in blue carbon research and wetland restoration, including developing and implementing methodologies for quantifying carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands, and assisting our clients with assessing the feasibility of blue carbon projects to help meet carbon neutrality goals.
Emerging Research
Silvestrum remains engaged in critical research to help local governments and our global communities mitigate and adapt to climate change. Our staff are lead authors of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, IPCC authors of the Wetland Supplement, and we partner with universities, research organizations, and leading scientists from around the globe.
Seascape Carbon Initiative
Silvestrum remains engaged in critical research to help local governments and our global communities mitigate and adapt to climate change. Our staff are lead authors of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, IPCC authors of the Wetland Supplement, and we partner with universities, research organizations, and leading scientists from around the globe.